Honoring Rose Ann Brown, founding member of Women in Focus

Rose Ann worked for 40 years in banking at M&I Bank, where she graciously helped hundreds of people each year. Rose Ann was proud to be part of the changing landscape of the banking industry in Madison which now includes many more women and people of color than it did when she entered the field.
In 1983, Rose Ann was one of the group of professional Black women who joined together to start Women In Focus, Inc. For 37 years, Rose Ann was a dedicated and active member in Women in Focus, serving as President and in many other capacities over the years. She secured crucial sponsorships for the Dream Ball and enjoyed working in our literacy program at the YWCA. She believed deeply in our mission to encourage students of color to succeed in college through our scholarships. Rose Ann faithfully attended WIF monthly meetings and expressed her views in a spirited manner. She had a beautiful smile and a great sense of humor and was welcoming to all but especially to new WIF members. She contributed greatly to the success of Women In Focus and we miss her very much. In the spring of 2021, and each year thereafter, WIF has honored Rose Ann Brown by awarding a scholarship in her name.
Rest in Peace, dear Sister.